Friday, July 11, 2014

Why Do I Do This?

I had planned to write a bunch more posts while I was on break, but I had a last minute offer to go to New York with a friend. As I've only been there once before, I jumped at the chance to spend another day in the RL Metropolis. This post was originally going to be about my trip, but something happened that I feel more inclined to write about.

So, I recently got a Twitter message about buying followers. Specifically the message said that I can buy 5000 followers for a mere $15.00 sent via Paypal. It sounds like an amazing offer because, of course, everyone involved in social media knows that numbers matter. Popularity through views, likes, favorites, followers - no matter how you classify them, quantity matters. The more you have have, the better you are, right?

Maybe that's true. There are amazing content producers out there like Tyler Oakly and Shane Dawson who make their living through social media. Their livelihood depends on their creativity: keeping their fans entertained so that they don't unsubscribe while simultaneously drawing in new followers. Yes, for them and thousands of others, things like YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr are perhaps a game of numbers and trying to stay on top.

For me, having something like a Twitter or this blog was never about trying to become a social media superstar. This is my chance to have my voice and my opinion heard; a way to express myself and find others with similar interests who want to comment or debate. I'm not set on building a vast empire of followers who worship me - that kind of power and celebrity is scary. Look at the recent Nash Grier debacle as an example. Yes he is young and what he did was meant as a joke, but in today's socially-charged climate what he did has cost him dearly. It means the loss of fans, the loss of his respectability, and (from what I've read) the possible loss of a movie deal.

This very blog, as a matter of point, is the perfect example of why I do this. The Interwebs is the modern day soapbox where I can voice my opinion and, if you are so inclined by my rant, you can stop and listen. In fact, join in and debate or comment if you agree/disagree with me. Ahhh, it feels good to get that off my chest. Stay tuned for something more light-hearted and fun next post!

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