Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Beefcake Bonus

I finally had time to sit down and read through over a week's worth of comics and I found a panel in the new issue of Grayson #16 that I just had to share.

DC should really think about doing a swimsuit issue like Marvel use to put out back in the 90s. And I would be totally fine with featuring only Agents 1 and 37 (aka: The Tiger and Dick Grayson). Enjoys this slice of winter-time beefcake.

Card Commission

As promised, I'm back! I thought that I would kick things off with a nice post showing a recent commission from one of my favorite artists, DeanDraws. This guy is amazingly talented and he's so much fun to work with on a project. He did a few other card sets for me in the past (which you can see here) and I was overwhelmed by both his talent and generosity with the swag.

This set is, again, incredible (as if I would expect less) but I will let you be the judge:
Apologies for the ugly quilt background, but I don't think it will distract from the amazing art. A few of the characters you will recognize as cannon DC Comics characters and there are a few you might notice as my OCs that have made appearances on this blog before. Here's a quick rundown of the characters:

Top (L-R): K-Pow, Shok, Honi, Brix
Middle (L-R): Chromatix, Match, Prince Volgir, Ilsa
Bottom (L-R): Alex and Harry, Krypto and Superboy, Simon Valentine, Blue Spirit

Dean is currently open for commissions (though he may not be available for more cards) so check out his Tumblr page for a list of prices. Some of his original pieces are also available to own as mugs, posters, pillows, and more from his Society6 page, too. Support this amazing artist to encourage him to create even more! Until next time!

*Superboy, Krypto, Simon, and Match are DC property and Blue Spirit is Nickelodeon property, the rest are owned by me.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Please Stand By

Wow! Has it really been almost a year since my last post!?! I can't believe that it took me this long to get back in the game. I've got some great ideas for upcoming posts - in fact, I'm planning on using my day off to "binge-write" a bunch so that I can do (at least) a weekly post for the next month.

Just a little update on the past year: I've just graduated and I'm looking for a career. I'm working another job to pay the bills until I find one in my field, but until then, I'm content. Now that the holidays are over, I've got a fairly regular schedule going forward so that I can try and operate a "normal" life. As for my New Year resolutions, I'm not attempting any life major changes. I could really use a stress-free year with friends and family. I'm hoping that the once weather calms down and I can start up game nights again with some old and new friends. I guess if there is a "big" focus for the new year (and one of the reasons I'm restarting my blog) it's to get back into writing. It's one of the things that makes me happiest and yet I've neglected doing it for soooo long. So, here is to a new year with infinitely new possibilities. Until next time!