Thursday, February 4, 2016

High Rollers Part One: Characters

I'm a big fan of the Yogscast crew on YouTube - if you're not familiar, I suggest you give them a look. Recently, on Yogscast Live, which airs livestreams from Twitch, a new series started called High Rollers. Rather than streaming the team playing video games, it's a switch up to them doing a live D&D session. The nice thing is that, especially for a novice like myself that knows very little, they are starting from scratch with players who are relatively new to the game. I wasn't sure what to expect, but after the first episode I was hooked. The characters are just so much fun to watch and the storyline created by GM Mark Hulmes is just enchanting.

Above are the characters, as created by the Yogscast official artist, Nina Serena. Staring at left we have:

Elora Gelanodel, a High Elf Druid played by Katie. She's friendly and often the most judicious of the bunch, but she's not afraid to get in on the action, either.

Cam Arune Buckland, a human trickster Cleric played by Trott. An entertainer, he is the clown of the bunch and often plays things off as a joke. But there is a tragic side that he is trying to hide from the others.

Jiutou Zhiji Jing, a Teifling monk played by Kim. She's extremely driven in her quest to free other enslaved Teiflings - so much so that she cares little for anything else. Though she tries to keep an emotional distance, she's come to aid of her fellow travelers several times.

Trellimar Aleath, a Drow Warlock played by Matt. Quiet and mysterious, we know little of this character and his background. He seems a bit accident prone (due to poor rolling) and is often rescued from near-death by Elora.

I feel like I'm not doing them justice with these little blurbs, but you can see for yourself how much fun they are by watching them live on Twitch on Sundays at noon (EST) or the episode "rerun" on Yogscast Live any time once its been uploaded. As I had so much I wanted to post, I decided to break this into two sections, so stay tuned for Part Two, coming soon!

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